Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Tying Up Loose Ends

I think at the end of every year, a lot of people, if not all, take a moment to look back and take stock of what happened, what they learned, what they want to change, and hopefully, their blessings. I am one of those people. This was my 2012.
Family. Though they're already 1, I watched my baby cousins, Maddy and Logan, continue to grow, learn, and get more adorable by the day, possibly minute. We haven't had a baby in the family for about 18 years and the addition of these two awesome blessings have almost rejuvenated our family. It's not like we were in shambles, but as everyone gets older, we move further down our paths and life gets busy but somehow, Maddy and Logan have been magnets, pulling everyone back together again. I believe it's reminded us how awesome our family is and how much support is available at all times. Sure, we're crazy but whose family isn't? What it comes down to is that there is love and a whole new crop is on the horizon and it's pretty amazing to watch. (Side Note: While babies are the cutest things ever, childbirth and childrearing are still two of THE most terrifying things. Ever.)
Friends. Relationships take effort. Friendships take effort. You have to make the effort. Period. Oh, and I'm not talking about writing on people's Facebook walls or 'liking' their photos. I'm talking about a real, bonafide effort to show up and to nurture that relationship. I know I can say with each year that passes, I'm more and more thankful for my friends. I've been amazed at the support and love that has been shared over the past year and I was a part of it. I was lucky enough to be in their lives and they in mine. Friends are the family you can choose, so why not take advantage? I hope all my friends know how much I love each and every one of them, because I do.
Career. Let's be honest, we all have dreams of being something other than what we are currently doing, and in time, those dreams might come true or they may morph into something else. I will fully admit I have big dreams that don't involve being a marketing coordinator, but I also know I am very lucky to be where I am and fortunate that I work in a healthy environment. Maybe 2013 will bring new paths. Who knows? I do know that my dreams won't stop and goals will continue to be set and (hopefully!) met.    
Love. Well, I haven't found 'the one' just yet and quite frankly, it's frustrating at times. Not for the reasons you might think. Not because I want to plan a wedding, pick out china, wear a pretty white dress, or have a baby. No, those are not the reasons at all. Frustrating because it's fun to share your life with someone who wants to share theirs with you and to me, that doesn't seem like a tall order. Also frustrating because I see bozos all the time that find each other and it's a travesty. I mean like Grade A bozos who treat each other poorly. Ugh, so sad. And for me, as I've gotten older and more mature, what I really want and what's really important is becoming clear and simple. I'm not looking for a husband. I'm looking for a partner in crime, a teammate, a best friend. A person who gets me, can make me laugh, and has a good heart...oh, and if I'm putting a wish list together: cute, good kisser, and loves dogs. Not too much to ask and if he becomes my husband some day, that's a bonus. There have been some good ones, but still looking for that special someone going into this new year. Here's to lucky number 13!
Fun. There has been NO lack of this in 2012. This is yet another reason why it's good to have good people around, they make life SO much fun! If I had a better memory I'd start listing all the hilarities, but I can barely remember what I did yesterday, and I'm not even lying. Now what was I talking about? Oh yes, fun! I've seen some great concerts, been on some fantastic trips, laughed my ass off on the regular, and have made some great memories (Thanks to social media and camera phones, I don't have to remember them all). I can't wait for next year. What's so great about fun is that it's free and it's around us all the time. You just have to be fun enough to spot it.
You were good, you were fun
I've collected my memories and am still on the run
Another year older and another year wiser
No rest for the weary, no time to be tired.
You brought the laughs, you brought the tears
We've all had our share over the years
I look forward to more and wish for good cheer
To my friends and my family, I love you another year.

Love and shoes,


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