Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Do You!

Some people use CNN to get their daily news fix. I prefer I am fully aware that I need to stay abreast of what is happening in the world around me but People speaks MY language! One of their top stories today was Evan Rachel Wood's, 23, new hairdo. If you aren't familiar with this actress, let me refresh your memory. She was the (young) lady who unfortunately dated Marilyn Manson, 42, the seemingly dark, tortured musician who was born Brian Hugh Warren. His act is totally obnoxious and her decision to date him was clearly a momentary lapse in judgment. However, I think it's interesting, and a little sad, that while she was dating Mr. Warren/Manson, she morphed into his world of pale skin and dark clothing. Because he had previously dated Dita Von Teese, who also dresses with a dark burlesque flair, I suppose that's why Evan tried to take a more glam vampire vixen approach to her wardrobe. See the similarity?
Dita Von Teese

Evan Rachel Wood

Thankfully Evan ditched her cocoon of confusion and darkness and has taken a fresh, young look that completely becomes her. It's clean, simple, and beautiful, which is what a 23 year old should look like. I mean, I find it hard to believe that dressing like the princess of darkness is fun, easy, and comfortable! How depressing when you have so much natural beauty to shine onto the world! Here's the picture they featured on

She is refreshing with a little spunk. I love this look and I hope she continues to blossom down the path of light! This brings me to my point for this blog post: finding who YOU are and just doing YOU.

So many times I see girls/women start taking on the likeness of their boyfriend. What the hell is that about? When did women start taking fashion cues from men!?! We all know what I'm talking about. You've seen couples start to look alike after a few months of dating and it bewilders me when it's the woman transforming to fit the style of the guy. Listen ladies, there is nothing wrong with mixing up your look or trying out a new style, but completely changing how you dress for a man is totally bizarre. They obviously fell for you in the clothes you picked out so why would you abandon that? It also makes me think that a woman who does this isn't confident in herself. Tisk tisk!

When it comes to fashion, you should ALWAYS pick items and outfits that make you feel fabulous and bring out your true personality. Going too far outside the box is so transparent and contrived. It's obvious when you are trying too hard to be something you're not, and that's no way to live. You've all heard that our style is an extension of who we are, and it's actually true. Some people live an edgy lifestyle and their clothes reflect that, while others prefer a more casual, laid back style. There is room for everyone in the world of fashion. If you spend all your time trying to dress like something you're not, you're missing out on your potential and what makes you unique. It's perfectly acceptable to experiment and have fun with fashion, but make sure you have a home base. We can't all be Lady Gagas. Who has the time?!

My message to you is this: when you get dressed and look in the mirror, ask yourself "what does my wardrobe say about me?" If it's not the answer you want, start by looking inside yourself and let the transformation begin from within.
Don't be anybody else. Just do YOU!
Love and shoes,

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