These feet were made for heels!
This morning as I woke up I thought "today, I think I'll wear flats." This is pretty extraordinary considering I own only 3 pairs of flats (not including flip flops) that have seen the light of day maybe a handful of times. I don't have anything against flats. I think they are adorable with the right outfit; but I can never find a pair that work for my feet. I'm convinced God designed my feet for heels because he already knew about my love affair with beautifully designed footwear. Shoes make me appreciate being a girl. I mean, can you imagine being a boy and only having 3-5 pairs of shoes?!?! What a travesty.
So, like I said, I thought why not use Hump day to give the old treads a rest and walk around fancy free in my pewter flats. Now that I had decided on a pair of shoes, I had to design my outfit around them. I picked out a black sundress with ruffle accent and paired it with a conservative bolero sweater as to adhere to the office dress code. I grabbed some fun, dangle earrings and threw on a delicate silver necklace. The change was definitely an adjustment even as I stood in the kitchen making my breakfast. I felt like I was viewing the world in a whole different way. I thought to myself "so this is what the world looks like from an actual 5' 5" height." I'm so use to starting my day at least three inches taller!
I get to work and am enjoying the fact I can maneuver a bit quicker. I seem to be shaving off a few seconds of travel time to all my destinations. How efficient! Right off the bat I noticed my right pinky toe was starting to form a blister. This is normal considering I hadn't worn these shoes in over a year. I put on a Band-Aid and went about my day. After about an hour of walking back and forth to the printer I had accumulated FIVE Band-Aids on my feet. Five! Let me state, for the record, I have NEVER had to put that many bandages on my feet and this includes when I had to wear pointe shoes in ballet class!
Here is the aftermath when I wear flats:
One more for good measure
After today I succumb to the fact that my feet are simply intended for heels. Whether I have trained them to be this way or they were actually designed for height, I can't say. What I can say is that I learned my lesson. I learned it covered in Band-Aids.
This is my solemn vow to all the lovely stems that call my shoe room 'home': I will never stray again. I fell victim to thinking the grass was greener but I was proven wrong. You and me are a match made in Heaven. A heaven where Angels strut their stuff in Louboutins and Jimmy Choos. Hallelujah!
Love and (HIGH) shoes,
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