Thursday, January 5, 2012

To Quote Mommy Dearest...

"No More Wire Hangers!!!" That statement sums up my Monday holiday activitiy of switching out my entire closet and hanging all my clothes on the same type of hanger. Some may say "what a complete waste of your time on a holiday!" and to those people I say, with furrowed brow: "what did you do!?! Watch tv for 12 straight hours or spend all day drinking at a bar only to regret your choices the next day at work when you are slammed with a gagillion emails and requests?" Sorry, I get a little testy when people question my organization tangents. I apologize. That wasn't very ladylike of me and there is nothing wrong with watching TV or enjoying some day drinking;-)

But really, Ladies. This is one of THE best things I've done in order to declutter my life. I was having difficulty seeing what the heck was going on in my closet and had actually forgotten about some really great items...and some not-so-great items too! My word! I even found a top from Forever 21 that I wore 8 years ago and believe you me, my taste is NOT the same as my bar hopping, clubbing, party days. Although, it gave me a good laugh when I put it on to revisit some good times on memory lane. I think it may have even had a few stains from all those buttery nipple shots we thought were "SO good!" Oh how I remember those days, well, nights, fondly.

Now that I'm...err...a little bit older and much wiser I've had to really get my act together when it comes to my wardrobe. First impressions are very important and you don't want to look disheveled because you don't know what's what in your closet. Well, in order to make sure I'm armed and ready, I have to be able to SEE and FIND what I need. My mom scored me some of those popular thin, felt hangers that you see everywhere right now. She got 35 for $9.99 at Costco. Can we say bargain? I started the hanger conversion when I realized this job is going to call for WAY more than 35 hangers. By my estimations, I needed over 120! So, we ran back to Costco and snagged 5 more boxes. Here is a comparison shot. The bottom row has been converted and the top row is still a hot mess.

And here is the completed shoebox-sized, yet organized, closet!

I had to sort the clothes by color, too. ROYGBV, baby!

P.S. Even after five boxes worth of hangers, I DO have a few hangers leftover;-)

It's 2012, fashionistas. Get your life, and closet, ready for another fabulously stylish year!

Love and shoes,

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