I recently took a vacation and visited my cousins, Jenny B and Johnny B, in New York City and had a blast! This wasn't my first time but it was definitely a first in regards to the feeling I had while I was visiting. I went by myself, a little older, a little wiser, and knowing a little bit more about who I am. I was able to have more of an open mind and really take in what the Big Apple has to offer its own and visitors alike.
Now being more in tune with my love of fashion I was able to absorb the intricacies of the city and people. New York is a place where you can truly be you, wear what you want, and nobody will give you a second glance, unless they want to ask where you got that fabulous scarf or John Lennon-esque platform shoes;-) Sure you can dress however you want no matter where you live. This is America after all. But let's face it, some cities are a bit more accepting when it comes to risky fashion statements.
Block after block, borough after borough, I saw men and women strutting their best (and worst) without a care in the world. It was refreshing and inspiring. We went to Brooklyn one day, land of the hipsters, and even though I'm not a hipster, I was welcomed with open arms.
See, that's just it. Everyone has a place, a spot, a home, a runway, and you are free to WURQ in whatever fits your fancy.

I heart you and thank you, New York. You are the Apple of my eye:-)
Love and shoes,
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