Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What's a cake without the icing?

Every morning I drag myself out of bed (after 3 snooze buttons) and take a look in the mirror to see what mess my slumber has created.  My hair, straightened the night before, has kinks, my eyes look sleepy, and my skintone is flushed and uneven.  I'm not complaining.  It's just a fact of being a human being...well, being a woman.  We don't all look our best right out of the gate.  So, I continue my morning process of working the kinks out, sprucing up my eyes, and giving my skin a little TLC.  Why? BECAUSE I'M A GROWN WOMAN, I'M 30, AND I HAVE TO!!! 

One of the things that bewilders me on a daily basis is women who think they can get away with not wearing makeup.  I'm not suggesting we shellac on the makeup and go around looking like clowns, but I am requesting we 'ice the cake'.  For example, you want to bake a beautiful cake.  Why would you spend all the time to go to the store, decide which cake flavor you want, buy the ingredients (or a box in my case), and then at the last minute say "eh, I don't have time for the icing. This will have to do." The icing is the best part!! It's the cherry on top. It finishes off the entire presentation! It hides the little imperfections!  Are you hearing me!?!

Icing to cake is like makeup to your face.  Why spend hours shopping for the right outfit, getting yourself together, and figuring out your accessories only to piss it away by walking out of the house without a stich of icing! 

Now, before anyone gets in a tizzy, I DO realize women are beautiful in their natural state.  I know some people can do the minimal makeup look and be exquisite.  I'm not talking to those lucky bitches.  I'm talking to the majority of the population who needs a little uplifting.  We are just accentuating the beautiful pallet God (or whoever you believe in) gave us.  Look at your face in the mirror and find something that makes you unique.  Whether it's the shape or color of your eyes, the smooth texture of your blemish-free skin, or your remarkable cheek bones, find it, dress it up, and feel good about it. 

It's a fact that you just feel better when you are all dressed from head to toe.  The whole package is complete.  We all get out of bed one time or another feeling sluggish and tired.  Splash some water on your face and get those makeup brushes moving.  I promise you WILL feel better.  It gives you an extra pep in your step, and like the cake, it hides the little imperfections EVERYONE bears.

We use our face to convey hundreds of emotions and expressions everyday.  Our faces are what people look at the most and what they rely on for signals.  People don't communicate with their butt and look how much time goes into finding the right pair of pants!  Try putting just a fraction of that time into your face.  We can all see it!

Now, you might be saying to yourself "but I don't know a thing about makeup." That's fine.  Get over your fear of the mall makeup counters, pick a brand you like, and ask them for help.  Yes, it's expected that you purchase something, but in the long run, is it that big of a deal?  I think lip gloss, bronzer, or foundation are always good items to buy.  You can't go wrong with a lip color, a touch of bronzer gives a fresh look to any woman, and a good foundation is a must for flawless-looking skin.  Don't look at this purchase as a life-long commitment.  If it costs too much, switch to a grocery store brand once you run out.  At least the makeup counters can point you in the right direction on how you should apply your makeup and the colors that best fit you.  If this is too much for you, take baby steps.  Ask your friends about their makeup and what they like and recommend.  That's how I got hooked on MAC eye shadows, which eventually led to being hooked on several other products. Once you have the basics, you can experiement and have fun with color.  Makeup is fun, not scary!

I realize when the weekend rolls around you don't always want to go through all the steps, and that's okay.  Go light and more natural, but do something.  For my natural five-minute look I do foundation, powder, bronzer (we're not tan all year long), blush, mascara, and lip gloss.  You never know who you might see.  Don't you dread it when you see someone in the grocery store, especially someone you don't really care for, or even worse, an ex flame, and say to yourself "oh God. I don't want them to see me like this."  Well, those situations can be avoided by taking the time to put on a dab or two of makeup before you take on the day.  So instead of hiding in the cereal aisle, you can feel as fresh as the produce...even if the ex is with their new girl/boyfriend.  

Just to show you that I'm in the same needing-to-wear-makeup boat as everyone else, here are some before and after makeup shots.



So, if you have to set that alarm 5 minutes earlier or add a few steps to your makeup routine, make the effort and help your face shine that much more.  Use those brushes, colors, and glosses and create art!  Embrace your beauty. Ice your face. Walk with confidence.

Love and shoes,

Sugar Fave: MAC Prep and Prime Skin.  Put it on before your foundation and notice softer skin and less oil through out the day.  From work to happy hour, your face is covered! 

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