Saturday, November 26, 2011

Failure in the Fitting Room

Well my darling fashionistas, I just returned from one of THE most miserable shopping trips of my life. My company dinner is coming up in a week and I thought I'd go out and pick up a new dress. Maybe something with some sparkle and flare, or perhaps something classy and timeless. I didn't have a look in mind, I just wanted something fun. Well, the shopping gods had another plan for me today and apparently it was to see how far they could push me before I had a full on adult temper tantrum in the middle of the Nordstrom dress section.

I mean when I telll you I tried on dress after dress, I'm not lying. It could have qualified as a shoppers workout. The lovely Nordstrom associate even brought some dresses in to try but nothing was workin' it...well, there was one but it was $250, of course, and I just wasn't looking to spend that on a Christmas party dress. Look, I'll be honest, I've put on a few, we'll call them 'holiday', pounds but it was unreal how bad these dresses looked. Many of the styles that are popular right now are a straight fit which if you know me, is not exactly tailored for my shape. Yeah, I have some tush and I'm not about to walk around in a dress that looks like sausage casing. Yikes!

However ladies, I have to say that in a dark, torturous time like this it's very important not to fall off the deep end and drown yourself in ice cream or whatever your treat of choice might be. Just go home, take a few days off, and give yourself some time to get ramped up for another shopping extravaganza. We all have these days where nothing fits or if it does, you look like death. It just happens and there is no freakin' explanation for it. You have to remember it shall pass and you'll have shopping luck again, usually when you least expect it. I usually have mine when I'm shopping for someone else or my bank account is a little light:-(

I'll be honest. I was upset, came home, and went straight to the sink to take out my frustration on the dishes. "Yeah, dirty dishes, take that!" My sister came home and asked how it went and I immediately responded with a curt "TERRIBLE! I'M FAT! NOTHING FITS!" Not the most rational of responses but those dresses and fitting room mirrors hurt my feelings. Hmph!

So, here I am blogging about my experience to get it off my chest and let it go. I just have to accept this tragic day and try again. That's all you can do. Shopping success is both unpredictable and precious. When you are on a streak you almost want to keep riding the wave because who knows when it's going to end! Just remember those times of success when you are about to have a meltdown from a self-esteem crushing trip. Find comfort in knowing you're not the only one and, it's just a shopping trip. Worse things can happen. Just think of people in the 80s when they had to sift through tiered skirts and puffy sleeves hoping to find something that offset their big hair and sky-high bangs. Eeesh. 

Ladies, I hope this helps in some small way. I love to shop and I love the hunt but even I have my craptastic days where I just want to throw in the towel and write off shopping forever, but then I take a nap and snap back to reality. Some advice for those cursed days, hit the shoe section. You'll always find a little 'happy' in that department;-)

Love and shoes,


  1. I always take my anger out on inanimate objects. you know, like when you bump your leg on the corner of the bed then hit it again like you are punishing it or something:-)


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